Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tibby Tuesday: Web Friends

Mr. Tibbs with my co-worker's cockatiels (L-R: Boca (F), Granite (M) and Tiki (M)) in 2010.
Since this week is deadline week, I will be neglecting BR 2.0 for a little bit but providing my readers with other blogs/websites that have today's theme. Enjoy!  

Even though I've had Mr. Tibbs for 4 1/2 years, I still love to read other people's experiences with handling a bird - bonus if the bird is a cockatiel!  It's not that many bird bloggers out there.  The ones I did find have a hard time updating their blogs.  Below are the birdie reads that are pretty awesome:

Love and Feathers
The daily adventures of a girl and her bird named Pearl.  Pearl loooooves waffles!

Students With Birds
A blog about an American's experiences with her flock (cockatiel, parrotlet, senegal and a canary).

Texts From Parrots
What happens when you give a Parrot a phone.

Cockatiel Cottage
Information about how to take care of a cockatiel.  It's not really a blog, but this website helped me take care of Mr. Tibbs when I first adopted him.


  1. Hi there, thanks so much for sharing! I love your blog - it's awesome to find other birdie bloggers out there. :D I'm much like you, and love reading about other people's flocks. Mr Tibbs is such a cutie!

    1. Thanks for commenting and the compliments :-)!


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