Thursday, February 21, 2013

Texture Thursday: Marley Twists Side Bun

Welcome to my final installment of the Annual Sweetheart dance.  I went over how I found the Marley Twists Side Bun; now I will tell you how I was able to do it.  This will also work on loose hair!

A couple of bobby pins.   I needed about 5-10.

First of all, let your hair hang out!

Now follow these 8 steps:


  1. Pull four twists (or 50% of the front row of twists) to the front. 
  2. Clip the four twist and comb the rest of the hair to the side.
  3. Separate the hair into two pieces.
  4. Twist.
  5. Pin curl the side twist and secure with bobby pins.
  6. Remove clip from the front and wrap hair around your hand.
  7. Slide the twist off your hand and pin curl above the bun.  Secure with bobby pins.
  8. Tada! 

Other than posing for the camera (thanks Brian), this style only took 5 minutes to do.  When I first styled it for the event, it took 30 minutes.  It is also less stress than putting my hair in a bun.  Be careful about the bobby pins you use because it can snag the marley twists.

I will be trying this hairstyle again for my best friend's wedding later this year :-). 


  1. Hi! I am getting Marley Braids today so I was browsing through pictures and although your hair looks beautiful THAT DRESS IS BANGING! Please tell me where I can find it.

    1. Thanks! I've had that dress for yeeeears. I got it from I don't think they sale it anymore, but I've gotten a lot of awesome dresses from them. I hope this helps!



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